[Jewish] TODAY: Rosh Hashanah at 5:30 at the RED BARN: Dress Warmly

ellen bernstein ellen.bernstein at comcast.net
Sun Sep 9 10:43:16 EDT 2018


Today we celebrate the birthday of the WORLD—Please come and re-New yourselves and join our celebration.

The plan is still to hold our musical and reflection service on the DECK, so please Dress warmly and comfortably so you can Enjoy sitting outdoors in this chillier than normal weather.

A delicious festive meal follows the service at 6:30.

Please come and bring all your friends.

You don’t need to be Jewish to enjoy this lovely celebration.

L’shanah tova,  Happy New Year!


Rabbi Ellen Bernstein
Spiritual Life Advisor
Hampshire College

PS—Hallah baking starts at 11 AM if you want to learn to make hallah—it’s in the Kosher Kitchen off the Merrill Kitchen

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