[Jewish] This Week in the JSU!

Ryan Peter Rogers rpr14 at hampshire.edu
Wed Nov 2 01:19:12 EDT 2016


Hello fellow JSU friends,

Try to challenge yourself to give as many hugs, smiles, or warm
greetings as you can today!

This week:
5:30 WED (today) Merrill Living Room - Pizza and Conversation - Come
enjoy a cozy conversation midweek with a sweet group of folks. Everybody

4:00 FRI Spiritual LIFE OFFICE - Chewing on Wisdom: NOAH! Exploring the
Biblical portion of the week: Come read a little sacred wisdom and be
surprised at how relevant it can be to your life. You don't have to be
Jewish to find meaning in sacred books!

5:30 FRI Merrill Living Room - Spirited Student led Singing Service -
Everybody welcome!

6:15 FRI Kern Center - JSU joins the Eco Mixer!!

Don't forget that everybody is always welcome to every JSU event! The
more the merrier! Also don't forget to like us on Facebook at Jewish
Student Union @ Hampshire College!
or use this URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hampshirejsu/

With love,
the Hampshire JSU 

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