[Jewish] Fwd: Innovative immersion programs in Koine Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and Near Eastern Languages in Jerusalem and Scholarships

Rachel Rubinstein rrHACU at hampshire.edu
Tue Mar 15 09:41:58 EDT 2016


Rachel Rubinstein
Associate Professor of American Literature and Jewish Studies
Dean of Academic Support and Advising
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst MA 01002

-------- Original Message -------- 

 		Fwd: Innovative immersion programs in Koine Greek, Biblical Hebrew,
and Near Eastern Languages in Jerusalem and Scholarships

 		2016-03-15 09:15

 		Jean Sepanski <jsDO at hampshire.edu>

 		Carin Rank <crank at hampshire.edu>, Rachel Rubinstein
<rrHACU at hampshire.edu>

Good morning! FYI. Jean 

-------- Forwarded Message -------- 

 		Innovative immersion programs in Koine Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and
Near Eastern Languages in Jerusalem and Scholarships

 		Tue, 15 Mar 2016 11:47:33 +0200

 		Mercedes Rubio <mercedes.rubio at polisjerusalem.org>

 		Polis Secretary <info at polisjerusalem.org>

Dear Professors, Advisors, and Students, 

Polis - The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities, is
developing a new and innovative method for learning ancient languages
[1]. This process uses total immersion, and treats Koine Greek, Biblical
Hebrew, Classical Syriac, Classical Arabic, Sumerian, and others as
living languages. 

In the frame of this unique pedagogical project, the Polis Institute
offers an M.A. Program in Ancient Philology [2] and an M.A. Program in
Near Eastern Languages [3], and the possibility of two corresponding One
Year Programs: One Year Program in Ancient Philology [4], and One Year
Program in Near Eastern Languages [5]. Along with the total immersion in
ancient language courses, students can also choose to study Modern
Hebrew, Spoken and Modern Standard Arabic, along with courses in
Philology, Linguistics, Literature and History. 

To this effect, the Polis Institute offers seven Scholarships [6] for
outstanding applicants to the MA programs who could contribute
significantly to the development of this innovative method. 

Moreover, we are pleased to announce the recent publication of the
Proceedings of the First Polis Institute Interdisciplinary Conference,
_Origins of the Alphabet_ [7] at Cambridge Scholars Publishing, as well
as the English edition of the Koine Greek volumes for Student and
Teacher, _Polis-Speaking Ancient Greek as a Living Language_ [8] (Level
1),_ _at Polis Institute Press. This edition is preceded by a French, a
German and an Italian one. 

We would appreciate it if you can circulate this e-mail among teaching
staff and students of your Faculty and/or Department and with your other
contacts who you think might be interested. If you need additional
information, please don't hesitate to contact me or visit our website


 POLIS - The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities 
 www.polisjerusalem.org [10] Tel: +972-(0)74-7011048 [11] Fax:
+972-(0)74-7021931 [12] 8, Ha Ayin Het St. 9511208 Jerusalem 


[1] http://www.polisjerusalem.org/#%21polis-methode/c1aoj
[2] http://www.polisjerusalem.org/#%21maap/c1md
[3] http://www.polisjerusalem.org/#%21manel/cggh
[4] http://www.polisjerusalem.org/#%21oypap/c10xk
[5] http://www.polisjerusalem.org/#%21oypnel/cxcx
[6] http://www.polisjerusalem.org/#%21scholarships/led4f
[7] http://www.cambridgescholars.com/origins-of-the-alphabet
[8] http://www.polisjerusalem.org/#%21polis-institute-press/c19d3
[9] http://www.polisjerusalem.org/
[10] http://www.polisjerusalem.org
[11] tel:%2B972-%280%2974-7011048
[12] tel:%2B972-%280%2974-7021931
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