[Jewish] Mt Holyoke JSU Fundraiser

Ethan Kaseff ethan at kaseff.com
Wed Nov 14 10:20:58 EST 2012

Hello Hampshire JSU-ers!

Mt Holyoke JSU would like to invite you to purchase the new fabulous
'Tuchus' sweatpants!!
They come in all youth and adult sizes and will make excellent presents for
every occasion!

We will be placing an order very soon, so submit your pre-orders ASAP
inorder to get the discounted price of only $20.

You can easily place your order by filling out this form
http://tuchus.wufoo.com/forms/preorder-tuchus-sweatpants/ and paying Ethan
Kaseff with cash.

Thank you so much for your support!
Mt Holyoke JSU

Thanks so much,
Ethan Kaseff
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