Steven Nathan snathan at hampshire.edu
Mon Sep 22 19:39:10 EDT 2008

It's very exciting that for the first time there will be High Holy Day 
services at Hampshire led by the Hampshire rabbi and other members of 
the Hampshire community.  But for everything to be a success, we need 
your help and support not just by attending, but by participating and 
helping out.

We still need help in the following areas:  leading prayers, English 
readings, reading Torah or Haftarah,  blowing the shofar, cooking, & 
setting up for meals, !   E-mail Rabbi Steve ASAP  @ 
snathan at hampshire.edu if you want to help plan, participate, cook, 
etc.    For our first High Holy Day services to be a success we need as 
many people as possible to participate.

Please remember, all members of the Hampshire community and guests are 
welcome.  So please feel free to invite non-Jewish friends to join you 
at any time.

Here is the schedule for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur on campus.

- All Rosh Hashanah meals and services take place in the Faculty/Staff 
Lounge in FPH.
                _Monday Sept. 29_
                                5:30 PM - Erev (evening) Rosh Hashanah 
                                6:30 PM -- Rosh Hashanah Dinner  (By 
reservation.  We have almost 70 people attending as of this moment.      
                                This is a catered meal. If you didn't 
make a reservation, please contact me immediately and I will see if the 
caterer                                 can add another meal. I can't 
make any promises at this point, but you are still welcome to join us 
for communal                                 fellowship)

               _Tuesday Sept. 30_
                                10:00 AM -- First Day Rosh Hashanah 
                                12:30 PM -  Lunch
                                 2:00 PM - Tashlikh - the ceremony where 
we throw bread crumbs in the water symbolizing the "casting away of     
                            our sins."  We will meet at 2 in the FPH 
courtyard and then walk to the stream behind the tennis courts (weather 

                _Wednesday Oct 1
_                               Second Day Rosh Hashanah
                               We are not holding services on campus 
this day.  However, you are welcome to attend services at UMass Hillel 
                                   (www.umasshillel.org),  the Jewish 
Community of Amherst (Reconstructionst: www.j-c-a.org), Congregation     
                                   B'nai Israel of Northampton 
(Conservative: www.cbinorthampton.org) or Congregation Beit Ahava in 
Florence                                   (Reform: 
www.beitahavah.org).  For more information about these services, check 
their websites.  Rabbi Steve                                    can also 
tell you more about them.


            _Wednesday Oct. 8_
                               5:00 PM - pre-fast Dinner
                               6:00 PM Kol Nidre (evening) Services

            _Thursday Oct. 9_
                              10:00 AM -- Yom Kippur morning services
        -    All the above will be held in the Faculty/Staff Lounge in 

        After services end, Merrill Living Room will be available all 
afternoon through the end of Yom Kippur for relaxing together.         
    Everything below will also be in the Merrill Living Room:

                              4:00 PM  -- Yom Kippur Text Study and 
                              6:15 --  Neilah (evening) services (a 
combination of traditional prayers and contemporary ritual)
                              7:15 -- Sound the Shofar, Havdallah and 
Break-the-Fast Meal

And watch your e-mail for Sukkot events after this.  The Sukkah will be 
in the Merrill Quad this year and there will be plenty of opportunities 
to celebrate in it!



Steven P. Nathan

Campus Rabbi

Interim LGBTQ Advisor

Hampshire College 

Office of Spiritual Life -- Box SA

Amherst, MA 01002

Phone: (413) 559-5282

Fax: (413) 559-5663

snathan at hampshire.edu <mailto:snathan at hampshire.edu>


/"The more deeply immersed I became in the thinking of the prophets, the 
more powerfully it became clear to me what the lives of the prophets 
sought to convey: that morally speaking there is no limit to the concern 
one must feel for the suffering of human beings. It also became clear to 
me that in regard to cruelties committed in the name of a free society, 
some are guilty, all are responsible."/

/-Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel/

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