[Jewish] Help needed to stuff mailboxes

Steven Nathan snathan at hampshire.edu
Wed Oct 24 10:10:00 EDT 2007

It seems that I'm always running into Jewish students who are asking 
when things are happening or how they can find out about them.  Of 
course, I tell them to sign up for this list, but I'm not sure if they 
do.  So I figured the best to do would be to put a postcard size version 
of "Weekly Jewish Events on Campus" in every student's mailbox.  That 
way we'll know that we've at least tried to reach everyone.

The student intern in the Spiritual Life office is making the copies, 
but I need student volunteers to put them in the mailboxes.  With enough 
volunteers it shouldn't take too long.  If you are able to do this, 
please let me know.


Steve Nathan


Steven P. Nathan

Campus Rabbi

Office of Spiritual Life -- Box SA

Hampshire College Amherst, MA 01002

Phone: (413) 559-6234

Fax: (413) 559-5663

snathan at hampshire.edu <mailto:snathan at hampshire.edu>


"The more deeply immersed I became in the thinking of the prophets, the 
more powerfully it became clear to me what the lives of the prophets 
sought to convey: that morally speaking there is no limit to the concern 
one must feel for the suffering of human beings. It also became clear to 
me that in regard to cruelties committed in the name of a free society, 
some are guilty, all are responsible."

-Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

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