[Jewish] Jewish/Zen Passover Meditation Retreat - a Path to Liberation

Steven Nathan snathan at hampshire.edu
Thu Oct 11 10:54:46 EDT 2007

I just received this exciting announcement and wondered if any of you 
would be interesting in attending this retreat.  It really focuses on 
combining the spiritual practice of mindfulness and the important work 
of liberation we need to do in the world.

Rabbi Roth is one of my meditation teachers and Roshi Glassman is well 
known Zen master and teacher.  It should be an amazing experience.

If you think that you may be interested (no commitment necessary right 
now) please let me know. In addition, if you would need financial 
assistance, please let me know and I can begin working on finding 
sources for that.



*A Path to Liberation: A Six-Day Jewish Meditation Retreat Leading Into 
Passover on the Streets of Springfield, MA** *
Sunday, April 13 - Friday, April 18, 2008. 

/Faculty: Roshi Bernie Glassman and Rabbi Jeff Roth// /

The holiday of Passover is a celebration of liberation. Join us for this 
opportunity to experience a meditation retreat that offers the 
possibility of seeing deeply into the vastness that is our own true 
nature as opposed to the narrowness and smallness of our individual 
sense of I. The Jewish term for Egypt, Mitzrayim, is a reference to this 
constricted place. Each of us finds ourselves a slave in this narrow 
place. Our hardened hearts make us act like Pharaoh to ourselves and 
Using the vehicle of silence and a variety of Jewish and Zen meditation 
approaches, this retreat will offer you the possibility of looking 
deeply into your own life and coming to a place of greater wisdom, joy 
and compassion. The deep work allows each of us to see more clearly how 
our lives become overwhelmed, causing us to shut down, numb out and hurt 
ourselves and those around us in the process. These practices allow us 
to glimpse instead, the Divine Presence, the force of Not-Knowing, that 
helps liberate us from Egypt. 

*Rabbi Jeff Roth*

The retreat includes periods of daily prayer and chant. Daily 
instructions in meditation will help guide both beginning and advanced 
practitioners as you enter the sacred space created by the retreat 
process. The morning sessions, led by Rabbi Roth will explore 
mindfulness meditation from a Jewish perspective. 

*Roshi Bernie Glassman*

In the afternoon sessions, led by Roshi Bernie, we will use the 
technique of koan practice as we explore themes from the hagaddah and 
Torah. Koan practice encourages students to let go of their preconceived 
ideas, bear witness to freedom and slavery in ourselves and the world, 
and explore the loving action that arises. 

The retreat, which is conducted in social silence, includes times for 
questions and answers as well as small group and private interviews with 
the instructors. The week is culminated in a deep celebration of Shabbat. 

For those who wish to be involved in the Passover Seder experience in 
Springfield (see below for: Street Retreat and Seder in Springfield), we 
will spend Shabbat with people who live on the streets of the city. 
Saturday night we will celebrate the Passover Seder with all those in 
need under a large tent. Participants are invited to spend the night in 
the tent. Sunday morning we will share, in council format, our experiences. 

Contributions of food or money to support the Seder are welcomed 
regardless of whether you plan to attend any of the retreat. 

Sponsored by the Zen Peacemakers and The Awakened Heart Project. 

Rabbi Jeff Roth is the director of The Awakened Heart Project for 
contemplative Judaism. He is the co-founder of Elat Chayyim where he 
served as Executive Director and Spiritual Director for 13 years. An 
experienced meditation teacher, he has led of over 60 Jewish meditation 

/Early Registration Fee: $450/
/Late Registration Fee: $475/
/Early registration fee deadline is Friday, April 04.// /

Register Online Now! 

*Street Retreat with Passover Meal*
Saturday, April 19 - Sunday, April 20, 2008. 

/Faculty: Roshi Bernie Glassman and Rabbi Jeff Roth/ 

/"Let all who are hungry come and eat" - from the Passover Hagaddah// /

/"How do you cook the Supreme Meal?" - Roshi Bernie Glassman// /

We will meet in the morning having left our money, ID, and watches 
behind. We will sit together in a circle and do service. Individually or 
in pairs, we will eat, talk and spend time with those falling in the 
cracks of our society. Most important, we will bear witness to life on 
the streets.

This is the weekend celebrating Passover and this street retreat is the 
culmination of the 6-day Jewish meditation retreat from April 13-18. We 
will spend Shabbat with people who live on the streets of the city. 
Saturday night we will celebrate the Passover Seder with all those in 
need under a large tent. Participants are invited to spend the night in 
the tent. The Passover Seder meal will be led by Rabbi Jeff Roth. Rabbi 
Roth is the director of The Awakened Heart Project for contemplative 
Judaism. He is the co-founder of Elat Chayyim where he served as 
Executive Director and Spiritual Director for 13 years.

Sunday morning we will share, in council format, our experiences. 

Registration Fee: $108 

Register Online Now! 

If you have any questions please contact Laura Carboni, Events Manager, 
at 413-367.2080 ex. 4# or at laura at zenpeacemakers.org 
<ailto:laura at zenpeacemakers.org%22>

The Maezumi Institute
The Study & Practice Center of the Zen Peacemakers
177 Ripley Road
Montague, MA 01351
mi_info at zenpeacemakers
www.zenpeacemakers.org <ttp://www.www.zenpeacemakers.org/%22>

Steven P. Nathan

Campus Rabbi

Office of Spiritual Life -- Box SA

Hampshire College

Amherst, MA 01002


Phone: (413) 559-5282        Fax: (413) 559-5663

snathan at hampshire.edu <mailto:snathan at hampshire.edu>


"The more deeply immersed I became in the thinking of the prophets, the 
more powerfully it became clear to me what the lives of the prophets 
sought to convey: that morally speaking there is no limit to the concern 
one must feel for the suffering of human beings. It also became clear to 
me that in regard to cruelties committed in the name of a free society, 
some are guilty, all are responsible."

-Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

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