[Jewish] The Kosher Kitchen

Noah Beit-Aharon nsb05 at hampshire.edu
Tue Feb 20 15:59:25 EST 2007

Hey there everyone,
On Friday, March 9th, there will be a meeting with Linda Mollison in  
the Merrill house office, in order to discuss the location of the  
kosher mod next year.
As most of you know, the kosher mod's kitchen is really only large  
enough for one person to cook in at once. This is terribly  
inconvenient when cooking Shabbat dinners for 20+ people, so this  
meeting is to discuss options for the community, including such  
possibilities as moving the kosher mod to Enfield. Linda wants to  
meet with as many members of the Jewish community as possible, so  
that she can be sure that such a move would be necessary. So here's  
the deal: if you've ever cooked for a Shabbat dinner, or washed  
dishes, or really come to any JSU event at all, you know that it's  
very difficult and awkward to use a kitchen as small as ours. We need  
you to come to this meeting and tell Linda that.
The meeting, again, is on March 9th, 2:00 PM in the Merrill house  
office. If you think you can come, please email me in advance so that  
I can know how many people to expect––I don't think we want any  
Thank you all,

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