Lexi Light adl02 at hampshire.edu
Wed May 5 19:26:31 EDT 2004

Hey all you cool Jews (and non-jews who happen to be on this list)-
	This sunday is Log B'Omer... which means we will be having a BIG 
KOSHER BBQ!  that's right, LOTS OF KOSHER MEAT (and NON-MEAT (for all 
you veggies).  It will be lots of fun, I promise!  Come take a break 
from studying and final paper writing, one last time to all get together 
before we all go away for the summer and chance to honor those who are 
graduating and ringing the bell (Alizah, Juno, who else?).
	Let's recap:

When: Sunday 5/9/04 5:00pm

Where: Somewhere outside donut 5 (and inside mod 40 if the weather 
doesn't agree)

Who: Lots of cool people, anyone on this mailing list, and anyone who is 
friends with people on this list

What: LOTS OF YUMMY KOSHER FOOD, ice cream, bring fun things like a 
disc, soccer ball, twister, etc.?

Why: Log B'Omer, the end of the year, just because

So get your tusshy over to the BBQ this sunday night! (or i'll come kick 
it personally)


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