[HSU-CoordBoardInternal] Agenda for March 10th Town Meeting

Christopher Porzenheim cjp12 at hampshire.edu
Tue Mar 4 15:54:15 EST 2014


Sorry about spamming the inbox, but I need to mention two things
regarding the Agenda for town meeting on March 10th at 7:30pm 

1. We should move FundCom to the bottom of the agenda, that way if
people from the last town meeting are in attedance of this one they can
leave and not have the same information repeated. 

2. Going over my personal notes from our meeting a week ago, we also
intended to bring up the PVTVA new bus line as well as having a Plug/PSA
for the upcoming elections. 

We can sort out these discrepancies at our next meeting on Friday, but
in the meantime this could be our tentative working agenda. 

Tentative Town Meeting Agenda 

Jim (10m) 

Strategic Planning (20m) 

PVTA (10m) 

Founding Document PSA (5m) 

Elections Plug (5m) 

Campus Police Survey Request (5m) 

Jlash (5m) 

Survey w/ Byron (5m) 

Fundcom Stipend Act (20m) 
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