[HSU-CoordBoardInternal] Dinner w/ Jonathan Cancelled -- Brunch to replace

Adrianna Perry atp12 at hampshire.edu
Tue Nov 26 12:52:06 EST 2013


Hi Everyone, 

I hope this email finds you well! Just a few updates I wanted to pass

 	* Dinner w/ Jonathan has been postponed for the end of next semester
at the urgent request of Josiah and Pam. The idea is that we should
allow the HSU some more time to really be successful in not just our
eyes, but also other students' eyes. I have already contacted the
appropriate people about the cancellation of this event on Tues. Dec. 3
at 6pm. Please mark your schedules accordingly.

 	* Josiah and Pam would like to have a brunch/get-together with us!
They are both free on either Wed. 12/11 3:30pm - 5:00pm OR Thurs. 12/12
10:00am - 12:00pm. My question is, which do people prefer? If you could
email back with your preferred date/time (if one is better than the
other) that would be great. Please also let me know if you cannot make
either date. 

Have a wonderful break everyone! 

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