[HSU-CoordBoardInternal] EPC student member.

Ethan Warshow erw11 at hampshire.edu
Wed Nov 20 13:52:10 EST 2013

Here's an email from Laura in the inbox. Unless I hear a good reason not to
by this evening, I'm going to invite her to our meeting tomorrow.

"Hello coordinating board!
We at the Educational Policy Committee are so happy to have Bree working
with us. We are still looking for a second EPC student rep. Please let me
know if I could attend an HSU meeting to discuss the work of the committee
and help recruit another member.
Thank you,
Laura Wenk
Dean of Curriculum and Assessment
Associate Professor of Cognition and Education
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA 01002
Voice: (413) 559-5364
Fax: (413) 559-6081
lwenk at hampshire.edu"

Ethan Warshow
At-large member, HSU-CB
erw11 at hampshire.edu
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