[Haiti_action] welcome

Liza Neal lneal at hampshire.edu
Mon Feb 1 10:50:53 EST 2010

Thanks everybody who came to the last Haiti Action meeting on Thursday.  
To recap and update for those who couldn't make it:
There'll be a student meeting on Monday the 1st at 7p in the Merrill 
Living Room to discuss and organize a student panel within the next 
week.  On February 16th we'll have a panel of guest speakers.  On the 
18th there will be a staff/faculty silent auction and then at 8p there 
will be the next band fundraiser in the Red Barn.

This is just the beginning!   Upcoming fundraising possibilities are a 
rave, an alumni band, spring jam (as well as the coffeehouse and craft 
fair we discussed the week before).  Ideas being looked into are where 
the boxes and donations of kits idea is at, the intricacies of funding, 
40th reunion possibilities, an intranet calendar for Haiti events which 
will be linked to Hampshire's web page, and the possibilities of 

We'll meet again Thursday Feb 4th at 12n in the airport lounge for 
updates and further planning.  (And we will streamline to make sure 
folks can get to class in time.)

Thank you for all your work and dedication and passion!

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