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<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>The first meeting of the Gender Resource Network is coming up this Wednesday!</p>
<p>GRN will be meeting on Wednesdays at 6 PM starting this coming Wednesday, September 30th, in the Center for Feminisms. For those of you who haven't been there, it's a yellow building in Enfield which is also home to the Wellness Center. It's right by a basketball court and there's a ramp out front.</p>
<p>Also there will be cheese pizza provided! We likely won't be able to get gluten free, dairy free or vegan food options for the first meeting, but that's definitely something that can happen for future meetings once we find out people's food needs. We also are definitely open to suggestions for future meeting food that is not pizza.</p>
<p>If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me at ncm13@hampshire.edu. Looking forward to seeing you all there!</p>
<p>Nora (a GRN signer)</p>
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