[GRN] Trans Futurity Symposium

Liam Sanders aes15 at hampshire.edu
Fri Jun 10 16:51:13 EDT 2016


Hi all, 

Hope everyone's summers are off to a great start! 

This email is coming to you via the Trans Symposium organizers -- and
it's a call for more organizers! The idea behind the symposium is to
create tools for community, and that starts with our organizing

(Disclaimer: Many of these ideas are preliminary, but the title of this
first conference is "Trans Futurity." The ultimate questions, goals, and
creations of the symposium will be shaped by the committee!) 

_About the symposium:_ 

As a community, trans people are often disjointed and experience a lot
of tragedy. Even at Hampshire within the last year, we have experienced
multitudes of violences and aggressions from all different sources, and
will likely continue to. But, in the face of that knowledge, we are
asking: How and where and when do we move forward to build and
strengthen ourselves for our futures? What does it mean to grow in
ourselves and with each other? How do our intersections of identity
position us in relation to each other, and how do these relationships
create our futures? Should communities just be tools to satiate our
search for survival? 

In light of these questions, the symposium poses a space for healing,
discussion, and building a future. 

In addition, we're working to create spaces for trans people of color,
particularly transfemmes, both through the conference and our organizing


We would like to begin planning as soon as possible and would like our
committee to be together around the beginning of July, but anyone is
welcome to join in after if they can commit. Of course, it is summer,
and that means a lot of people are gone home or are working tirelessly.
The committee would be a time commitment of 1 to 2 hours per week during
the summer. Scheduling and attendance for meetings would be flexible and
easily negotiable. 

If you're interested, send a follow-up email to liamksanders at gmail.com
with any questions and ideas, as well as availability for meetings! 

Please forward to anyone who may be interested. 
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