[GRIN] Study party

Jess Ide jci12 at hampshire.edu
Mon Dec 8 01:24:15 EST 2014


Hi everyone, 

Finals is terrible and miserable BUT WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER 

And like, the last thing you need when you're stressed about finals is
to also be stressed about gender things in the library or something 

So come study with us in the CFF from 6pm until whenever. We won't have
dinner this time because funding is over for the semester, but we will
try to create a really comfortable atmosphere. I've gotten really into
simmer pots to make spaces smell nice in an allergy-friendly way and
there's always tea in the CFF/Wellness center. 

I don't think we'll be having much of an org meeting since we're all
gonna be studying but if anyone has any agenda items to discuss bring it
up. The only agenda item that comes to mind is something that would be
better to bring up at the begining of spring term (it's training new
signers, in case you're wondering). 

Also I'm really glad that other people have been using this listserv.
Please do feel free to use this to reach out to other students in the
network for any reason. Just do also know that it's a public listserv
managed by myself and the Center for Feminisms' Director, Emily Rimmer,
so don't send anything you wouldn't want to send publicly. We do have a
closed facebook group for other things. (check hampedia!) On this topic,
I love group singing, like choirs and stuff, but feel weird being the
only lady in the bass section usually, and also get worried about being
degendered for singing low notes. Is anyone interested gender-affirming
group singing? As like a casual thing to do? Lemme know. I'd love to
have people to sing with sometimes. Especially like, the kinda stuff
with four-part harmonies haha. 

<3 you all, stay safe, stay well, try to take care of yourself. In times
like this I always want to take care of everyone else because I'm such a
jewish mom, but I also have finals so I probably can't spend all my time
making kugel and matzah ball soup for all the stressed out souls. Anyway
I'm gonna stop rambling and end the email. 


P.S Did you know there's a Five-College Trans Group? I hadn't heard of
it until very recently and I haven't gotten a chance to go because of
finals. If anyone knows more about it you should tell me about it. All I
know is that it meets at Amherst College on sundays. 
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