[GRIN] New listserv!

Jesse Ide jci12 at hampshire.edu
Thu Aug 21 16:44:38 EDT 2014

Hey everyone,

I'm writing this email to notify you that you've been added to the new 
listserv for the Gender-Identity Research Network. You were 
automatically added to this listserv because you were subscribed to the 
Trans Student Alliance listserv, which the Gender-Identity Research 
Network has replaced. In a few moments you'll also have been 
unsubscribed from the old TSA listserv which will no longer be used.

Hope you're all having a good summer.

/If you've received this email in error and you do not wish to be on our 
new listserv, you can unsubscribe by going to 
https://lists.hampshire.edu/mailman/listinfo/grin and scrolling to the 
bottom where you'll find instructions for unsubscribing. The 
unsubscription process involves typing in the email you wish to 
unsubscribe, so make sure you confirm which email address this email was 
sent to by checking the "To:" field at the top, so you don't type in a 
different email than the one you originally signed up with. /

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