[Glasscollective] Thursday's Meeting

Maximillian Geoffrey Hardcastle mgh08 at hampshire.edu
Wed Oct 6 21:25:13 EDT 2010

Hey Glass Collective,

I'm writing to inform you that tomorrow I won't be there due to ultimate frisbee
related shenanigans and Morgan won't be there until 8 or 8:30 due to democratic
shenani... er, events!  We don't have a sheet of names up yet (sorry!) but
those of you who know how to set up the torches should do so! Just talk to
Glenn first!

I don't know if Lemelson is open next Tuesday (vacation and all) but if so I'll
probably be there.... all day (LOL).  DART is at 6pm on Tuesdays so I won't be
at the torch then.  Feel free to come to the DART meeting too!  Design, Art,
and Technology... all you could ever want in life.  Just kidding about that
last part... =D

Maybe if Lemelson is open on Tuesday I'll buy cider donuts and we can all make
glass donuts and eat real donuts or something wacky like that.

Have a great break!

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