[Glasscollective] Oxygen and Other Nuisances

Maximillian Geoffrey Hardcastle mgh08 at hampshire.edu
Wed Nov 10 19:44:31 EST 2010

Dearest members of glass collective,

I regret to inform you that we're missing two pairs of glasses and the ONLY nice
tungsten we have (hefty price tag on those items!).  If you know where they are
please let me know.  If you took them please put them back.  I know it seems
like we can get "free" money from FiCom but we can't... it's coming from all of
our tuition.  Plus stealing sucks!  I want very much to be able to trust
everyone in the world but........

On the other hand, if there is any equipment anyone needs (molds, presses,
tools, glass, metals, powders, etc.) (NOT for stealing!!!) let me know and I'll
compile a list for our next order! :)

Lastly we are almost out of oxygen and we are definitely out of propane so I'm
not sure if we can work tomorrow.  I will email with GlennRoseMorgan about
getting refills (if you three are reading this, great!) because I totally suck
at the FiCom bureaucracy.

My sincerest apologies if we cannot work tomorrow,

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