[Glasscollective] fall glass making

Katie Richardson krr02 at hampshire.edu
Wed Sep 20 17:08:29 EDT 2006

tania, there will be workshops, but you are welcome to set up a time 
with me at any point to come in. im going to commit to being in the shop 
wed 2-4pm and thurs 3-5, so you could come then if that works for you, 
or send me an email to figure out something else.


Tania Sherman wrote:

>Hey katie.  I want to come to the meeting but I can't.  I didn't come to any of
>the meetings or workshops last semester, so I don't know any of the ropes. 
>what do you suggest I do?
>Quoting Katie Richardson <krr02 at hampshire.edu>:
>>Hi folks interested in glass, come make some stuff. Id really really
>>love for more people to come and start learning a lot, you should come
>>to the glass collective's first meeting if you can so we can chat.
>>lemelson is still getting set up, but it should be running soon. we have
>>money for more permanent supplies and set up and everything will great.
>>im looking at having some more workshops this semester as well as you
>>can come learn whenever you want by contacting me. anyway,
>>first meeting on the GLASS COLLECTIVE
>>          6:00pm on WEDNESDAY in the Art Barn
>>if you dont want to be on this list let me know. if you want to come and
>>you can't, or have other questions, also let me know.
>>Glasscollective mailing list
>>Glasscollective at lists.hampshire.edu
>Glasscollective mailing list
>Glasscollective at lists.hampshire.edu

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