[Glasscollective] glass in the spring

Katie Richardson krr02 at hampshire.edu
Sat Feb 11 18:46:33 EST 2006

hi all, we had a meeting on thursday, which i forgot to send out to the 
list, but a few new people showed up. basically same deal for those of 
you who have come before. we have a lot of money, people should come use 
the stuff, contact me whenever to set up times.
pending is the proposal for the second torch, which would help so that 
two of us could be working at the same time in lemelson, so we'll see.

ideas, concerns, questions, enthusiasm welcome....

also hoping to set up a workshop soon

some times when i am generally available (but email or call to confirm) 
are nights except wed. and friday and saturdays whenever. 

be well make glass

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