[Glasscollective] available times

krr02 at hampshire.edu krr02 at hampshire.edu
Thu Oct 13 00:29:15 EDT 2005

hello all

so here is a schedule of some times i'm available. i'd love to show you guys
more stuff, i feel very selfish and sad if im the only one using the
supplies... just got a big box and organized stuff all pretty. ok here goes.

thursday 10/13 12-3 (call and email if you want to do this as its tommorrow)
fri 4:30-6
sat basically anytime- talk to me
sun 12-6 ish
mon afternoon til 4
wed afternoon  6
thurs afternoon til 6

so let me know if you want to come in any of these times.

also, i talked to the guy from atticus today, and it seems pretty feasible to do
a workshop of sorts- we could potentially have 3 torches going, he could demo
for a while and assist us in working for a little... how many people would be
interested in doing this? if people will come we should set it up, possibly for
early spring semester? or if someone wants to really do it we could try for

cool, glass is fun, come play

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