[Cs254f11] Wow. Basic question

Wm. Josiah Erikson wjerikson at hampshire.edu
Tue Oct 25 23:00:55 EDT 2011

I must be up too late.

I have a list, a, and another list, b.

I want to make a new list of two-item vectors that is both lists put 
together, so that it will look like ([(nth a 1)(nth b 1)][(nth a 2)(nth 
b 2)][(nth a 3)(nth b 3)])

...and so on. interleave doesn't quite do what I want. Maybe in the 
morning it will occur to me how to do this without a loop. If it's 
obvious to somebody else, will you help me out?

Thanks in advance,

Wm. Josiah Erikson
Network Engineer
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA 01002

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