[Cs254f11] Example of filter usage

Wm. Josiah Erikson wjerikson at hampshire.edu
Wed Oct 5 14:50:26 EDT 2011

So a light went on for me when Alec asked (probably for my benefit, 
thanks Alec) about filter. I was able to reduce the following code:

(loop [i 0 result 0]
     (if (= i ( - (count (get scales scale)) 1))
     (recur (inc i) (+ result(modified_truth (= (mod note 12) (nth (get 
scales scale) i) ) 1 ))))))


(count(filter #(= (mod %1 12) note) (get scales scale)))

Which is pretty neat.

Wm. Josiah Erikson
Network Engineer
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 559-6091

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