[Cs254f11] class info/reminders

Lee Spector lspector at hampshire.edu
Mon Nov 28 21:33:19 EST 2011

For those of you who weren't in class today, here are some important bits of information -- and for those of you who were in class they're reminders with a little more info:

- Today I presented "autoconstructive evolution" for the whole class period. If you're interested in learning more then you might want to check out: http://hampshire.edu/lspector/pubs/spector-gptp10-preprint.pdf (and there are some other papers too... e.g. http://hampshire.edu/lspector/pubs/harrington-iccs2011.pdf and http://hampshire.edu/lspector/pubs/push-gpem-final.pdf and http://hampshire.edu/lspector/pubs/emergence-collective-GPEM.pdf).

- This Wednesday will NOT be a show & tell session; it'll be all demonic coding. Come prepared to code!

- Next week is all final project demo/presentations. You should be prepared to present on Monday, although you might not actually get called on until Wednesday. But you should ALL be prepared to present on Monday. This doesn't mean that your project has to be 100% done by then (see next item), but you must have a prepared presentation (which could include discussion of parts remaining to be completed).

- I must have all of your final work (including code and self evaluation, along with any other final project documentation) by NOON on Monday December 12. You can get it to me in any reasonable way (e.g. electronic is okay) but if you're not emailing it to me then you must email me a note (by NOON on Monday December 12) telling me where to find it. This is true even if you're giving me a CD/paper in my mailbox, since I may not be physically on campus that morning. However you're delivering your work you must send me an email telling me where to find it, by noon on Monday December 12.


Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science
Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359
lspector at hampshire.edu, http://hampshire.edu/lspector/
Phone: 413-559-5352, Fax: 413-559-5438

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