[Cs254f11] Recursion without loop

Lee Spector lspector at hampshire.edu
Wed Nov 2 20:30:16 EDT 2011

First, just a little note that the first argument to "some" can be a set, in which case it is interpreted as a function that looks up the set elements in the second argument, so your call to  (some #(= [x y] %) checked) could instead be slightly simpler as (some #{[x y]} checked).

That said, I'd approach your lib-test function in a slightly different way (but I do pass a set to "some", so I wanted to explain that above). The following is untested code (I can't easily test it without the rest of your code), but it shows the general approach I might take to this:

(defn lib-test
  [x y]
  (loop [unchecked (friends x y)
         checked [[x y]]]
    (if (empty? unchecked)
      (if (some #{(first unchecked)} checked) ;; already dealt with the first guy
        (recur (rest unchecked) checked)
        (recur (concat (friends (first (first unchecked)) (second (first unchecked)))
                       (rest unchecked))
               (conj checked (first unchecked)))))))


On Nov 2, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Maxwell William Fair Levit wrote:

> Hey all, I'm rewriting the function that will determine the structure of a group
> of stones and I'm a bit stuped.
> Here is the function that finds the pieces next to a given piece that share a
> color (rewritten very prettily by Lee)
> (defn friends
>  [x y]
>  (let [c (get @board [x y])]
>    (filter #(= (get @board %) c)
>            [[(+ x 1) y]
>             [(- x 1) y]
>             [x (- y 1)]
>             [x (+ y 1)]])))
> What I want to do is take that function and call it on a given space, then call
> it again on all the spaces it returns that haven't already been counted, and so
> on until all pieces in the group have been counted.
> What I have looks like this:
> (defn lib-test
>  [x y checked]
>  (if (not (some #(= [x y] %) checked))
>    (apply lib-test (friends x y) (conj checked [x y]))
>         checked))
> What I can't do is figure out how to apply (or map) lib-test to a bunch of
> vectors, while having the extra argument 'checked' tacked on the end, but not
> coming from the vectors.
> Does this make sense? Can someone tell me how to make this work?
> Thanks,
> -Max
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Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science
Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002-3359
lspector at hampshire.edu, http://hampshire.edu/lspector/
Phone: 413-559-5352, Fax: 413-559-5438

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