[Cs254f11] length of individual thoughts...

Wm. Josiah Erikson josiah at insanetechnology.com
Fri Dec 2 11:24:37 EST 2011

So in the way I'm evolving things, I've often got a population full of 
individuals with similar error. Given Lee's

(let [sorted (sort #(< (second %1) (second %2)) population)]

would this function get the smallest individual that had the best error? :

(first (first (sort #(< (codesize %1) (codesize %2)) (filter #(= (second 
%) (second (first sorted))) sorted))))

(It seems to work)

Is there an easier way to do that? Is this even a good idea? I'm 
currently just using it as the final return value so that my final 
result is as easy to read as possible :)

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