{InfoBar} Snowstorm Friday, 2/25: Call for Extra Student Coverage

Suzanne Karanikis smkLO at hampshire.edu
Wed Feb 23 13:55:01 EST 2022

Hello All, 

Though the weather is absolutely gorgeous today, all of Massachusetts is
now expected to get 8-12 inches of snow on Friday.  Since the storm is
predicted to start early in the morning and end late in the afternoon,
there is a very good chance the college will close and classes will be

If the college closes, staff will not come to campus and we will try to
keep the library open with student workers.  I am writing to see if any
of you are willing to take some extra shifts so that we have two
students scheduled throughout the day. 

Right now, Aviva is scheduled for 9am-noon, Blue 12-3, and Tensel from
3-6.  I am writing to ask if another student could work either the
9am-noon or the 3-6pm shifts.  I am asking for two students for the 12-3
shift, because Blue lives off campus and will probably not be able to
travel to campus in the snow. 

Please let me know if you would be willing to cover any of these shifts.
  At this point in the semester every student is eligible to take these
shifts, even if you just started working here this semester.  If the
college closes, Campus Safety would unlock the library for the student
workers who arrive at 9am and then would lock up the library at 6pm when
the library closes.  I will send a separate email to the students
scheduled for 9am regarding opening procedures.  If we end up missing
this storm we will just operate with the regular schedule.  If there is
only a delay and not a full closure of the college, staff will come to
campus and the library will open when the college opens. 

Thanks for considering these extra shifts.  Because we are a residential
campus, we did have students using the library during the last snow day,
so know that your fellow students do appreciate your effort to keep the
library open. 

Thanks, and let me know if you are willing to take any of these shifts,
and if you have any questions about doing so. 



Suzanne Karanikis
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Access Services Supervisor
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College
893 West Street 
Amherst, MA 01002
phone: 413-559-5762
fax: 413-559-5419
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