{InfoBar} Beginning of Fall Semester News

Suzanne Karanikis smkLO at hampshire.edu
Thu Aug 25 14:15:50 EDT 2022

Hi Everyone!

We are excited to have you all back!  This email will let you know what has
changed over the summer, and to give you information about working at the
start of the semester..

New Evening Supervisor: Nebraska

We were happy to welcome our new evening supervisor, Nebraska Chatham
(they/them) on June 1!  Nebraska is a recent MH grad, and is looking
forward to meeting all of you and training you on our new library system.
When you come in to sign up for shifts, do introduce yourself to Nebraska
if you see them at the InfoBar!

New Circulation System: FOLIO
On July 6, all Five Colleges went live on FOLIO, which stands for Future of
Libraries is Open.  This library system (which is what you use to check
items in and out) is completely different.  Some functionality is much
improved, and some requires workarounds where functionality is lacking, but
overall, I think you will like using the interface.  The Five College
catalog went away, and we are using Discover to search for library
materials.  You can see a sneak peek here
and we will do more training once you start working. This will also be
where patrons can see what items are checked out to them, and what items
they have requests on.

Temporary Schedule Monday, August 29 - Friday, September 9
You are all eligible to work as of Monday, 8/29.  We will operate on a
temporary schedule for the first two weeks of the semester while you all
figure out your course schedules and while we train new staff.  During this
2 week period, the library is only open Monday - Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm.  We
will not be open weekends until Saturday, September 10. The schedule is
posted on the bulletin board behind the InfoBar.  You may stop by and sign
up for 2 or 3 shifts on this schedule.  Try to cover all the shifts before
doubling up, but doubling up is ok, particularly in the afternoons.  I did
not make a typo on the schedule, the library really will be open on Labor
Day, 9/5.  In fact, Matt and Nebraska will be hosting a board game event
from 2-5pm that day, so having students to cover the InfoBar for them would
be a big help.  Shifts on the temporary schedule are 9am-noon, noon-3pm, or
3-5pm.  Please stop by to take shifts, or contact me if you have questions
about choosing shifts.

Mandatory Schedule Meeting Wednesday, September 7 @ 5:00pm
We will have the meeting to choose Fall schedules on Wednesday, September
7th, at 5:00pm.  The meeting will be held on the first floor of the
library, after the library closes.  Like last year, you will pick numbers
in 3 rounds, and choose shifts in that order.  The shifts that you pick on
that day will be the ones you work for the rest of the Fall semester.

Regular Fall Schedule Begins Saturday, September 10
We will be open regular hours, seven days a week, as of Saturday, September
10. That will be the first day that you work the schedule that you choose
at the schedule meeting.

Mask Policy / Visitors
While the campus became mask optional at the end of June, masks are once
again required in ALL campus buildings through September 10.  I do once
again ask that you ask patrons to put on masks if you see them maskless
while doing head counts.  We do have a box of masks at the InfoBar (in the
cubby under the phone) in case visitors come in and are unaware of the
campus mask policy.

Thanks, and do stop by to pick hours on the temporary schedule when you can!

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