[Circulation] Updates about carrels!

Olivia Rossetti orossetti at hampshire.edu
Thu Jan 30 17:25:54 EST 2020

Hi everyone,

I want to let you all know that carrels for the semester have been 
assigned! With that news, I have some reminders/information to share 
with all of you:

  * The pink "due" slips *should have the due date printed on them.*
    *Please do not simply hand them to patrons. *If the slips are for
    books getting checked out, write the due date as part of the check
    out process. If they are for books already checked out, look up the
    due date in the system and write it down. If you ever need any help
    with this, grab one of us on staff and we can assist. This process
    broke down a bit last semester, so let's try to start that up again!

  * I have encouraged carrel holders to clean up their own spills. If
    they come looking for cleaning supplies, we do have some in the
    circulation office that they can borrow. Check in if you have
    questions about this!

  * If folks need to have work orders submitted for their carrels (for
    broken lights, graffiti, etc.), I have also instructed them to come
    to the InfoBar. If I'm around, feel free to grab me and I can take
    care of this process. If I am not around, be sure to get the
    *student's name, contact information, carrel number, and a
    description of the problem*. Make a note and leave it on my desk or
    the front circulation desk if the front office is locked.

In general, if anyone has questions about carrels that you are unsure 
about, you can refer them to me. Thank you all!

Have a good evening,


Olivia Rossetti
Access Services Associate: Interlibrary Loan and Knowledge Commons Supervisor
Hampshire College Library
893 West Street
Amherst, MA  01002
phone: 413-559-5764
email: orossetti at hampshire.edu

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