[Circulation] Reshelving Carts & Holds / Location of Spare Toner Cartridges, How to Replace Them, and What to Do With the Empty Cartridges

Suzanne Karanikis smkLO at hampshire.edu
Mon Apr 23 17:44:48 EDT 2018


Hello All, 

Some reminders about putting books on the reshelving carts, and all you
need to know about replacing toner cartridges: 

The reshelving carts, especially the Q-Z cart, have been really out of
order lately. Please take your time putting books on the carts. If you
have to, do sing the alphabet to yourself - we all do it at times! By
the way, we've been finding books on hold for patrons on the reshelving
carts when they should have been sent to other schools or been placed on
our hold shelf. Do watch the screen as you check books in, otherwise you
miss the hold messages! 

I received an email from a student over the weekend who said that the
3rd floor lab printer ran out of toner and that InfoBar students
informed them that they could not replace the toner because they did not
have access to the new cartridges. This is not true. 

Replacement toners are kept in the wood cabinet behind the reshelving
carts. At any given time, there should be 2 big cartridges to replace
those in the Left and Right printers, and 2 of each small color
cartridge. The smaller cartridges fit the printers in the APL, the 3rd
floor lab, and the main office. 

 For the the Left or Right printer, swing the cartridge out and press
the green arrow to release it. Uncap the new cartridge and screw it in.
To replace cartridges in all of the other machines, unscrew the
cartridge and pull it out. Again, uncap the new cartridge and screw it
in. I leave the small cartridges in the the boxes so that you can see
the color of the toner on the end of the box. The 3rd floor, APL, and
main office machines have black, magenta, blue, and yellow cartridges.
Only replace the color that the machine tells you to. 

After you have installed a new toner cartridge, give it to me or Tierra.
If we are not on duty and the office is locked, leave it on the staff
desk so that we are aware that you put in a new cartridge. We then have
to go to the Ricoh website to order a replacement cartridge. Don't put
the empty toner back in the cabinet - we expect to only find full
cartridges there. I bring the empties to Duplications for recycling. 

Thanks for your help with all of this, and please do ask if you have
questions about anything in this email. 


Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Supervisor
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College
893 West Street 
Amherst, MA 01002
phone: 413-559-5762
fax: 413-559-5419
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