[Circulation] A request & news from Natane

Natane Halasz nhalasz at hampshire.edu
Tue Oct 3 19:36:29 EDT 2017

Hello, circ workers!

I'm writing about two very different things in this email, so I hope you 
read through to the end!

*First:*  I'm leaving Hampshire to pursue a new opportunity as a youth 
services librarian with a public library. My last day at Hampshire is 
Thursday, October 19th. I am excited about this new job, but also sad to 
be leaving a workplace I really love and enjoy. You, our student 
workers, are a big part of why I have loved my work at Hampshire! It has 
been a pleasure working with you all. If any of you are considering grad 
school or career opportunities in libraries, I encourage you to connect 
with me via LinkedIn.

*Second:* I'm doing a project on recent college grads (those in their 
20s) and how they use public libraries. I'm interested in how public 
libraries can best connect with this type of adult and what sorts of 
resources these adults are looking for at a public library, or would be 
likely to attend or visit their local public library for. For example, 
some public libraries are offering "adulting 101" type programming, e.g. 
how to change the oil in your car, apply for loans, cooking on a budget. 
The Massachusetts Library System has drafted an online guide for new 
grads, with the idea that colleges and universities would share this out 
with their grads, and I'd love your feedback!
Take a look at: guides.masslibsystem.org/newgrads

I know you're not "grads" yet, but if you feel so inclined to help me 
with my research, then please take a look at the above site, think about 
what types of programs you might like to attend at a public library, or 
_any other thoughts you might have about public libraries and what they 
can do for 20-somethings_, and share them with me by Sunday, October 
8th!  I will not use your name in my project, but if you can share your 
age with me, that would be appreciated!  THANK YOU!!!

All my very best wishes,


Natane Halasz
InfoBar Evening Associate
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 559-5475

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