[Circulation] Dummy Accounts for the Databases

Suzanne Karanikis smkLO at hampshire.edu
Thu Mar 2 11:52:23 EST 2017


Hi All, 

This is to let you know that Hampshire users will have to continue to
log in to use Hampshire online resources, even while using computers in
the library. This is a result of the EZ Proxy problems that Becca
Groveman of IT posted about in the daily announcements on Tuesday. If we
have non-Hampshire patrons working in the library and they want to use
our databases, please give them one of our courtesy printing cards that
we keep at the InfoBar. They will use the username and password on the
printing card in order to log in to our resources. Becca's announcement
is copied below, in case you missed it. 



Posted on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017 by Becca Groveman


 Earlier today we made a change to our EZProxy configuration, in an
attempt to eliminate the erroneous Disavowed message some patrons have
gotten when trying to access resources on ILLiad. This change had the
unfortunate side-effect of blocking some on-campus IP ranges from being
able to access certain resources via EZProxy. Until we can update these
resources, we have turned off the feature that allows patrons to access
resources on-campus without logging in, to ensure that anyone with a
Hampshire log-in can access the resources they need. We apologize for
any inconvenience in the meantime.
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