[Circulation] Room Reservations Calendar on Staff Desk

Courtney Crosby cacLO at hampshire.edu
Fri Apr 25 18:41:06 EDT 2014


Hi Everyone, 

If a patron comes in to add their name on to the room reservation
calendar for the Hill Urbina or 2nd Floor Training Room, the printed out
copies are on the Staff Desk. They are labeled and also are hung outside
of these rooms. 

To see if someone has a reserved one of these rooms go to the Intranet
-> View Public Calendar (on the top left) -> Change Calendars drop down
to Library Rooms (on the top left) -> Look on the bottom left at the
Legend for the rooms as they are color coded, 2nd Floor Training Room is
green and Hill Urbina is orange. 

Let me know if you have any questions. 


Courtney Crosby
Johnson Library
Hampshire College
ILL Assistant/Evening Supervisor
cacLO at hampshire.edu
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