[Circulation] IPAD on Reserve

Courtney Crosby cacLO at hampshire.edu
Wed Sep 25 15:37:41 EDT 2013

Hi Everyone,

The IPAD that Suzanne mentioned being put on Reserve, is now available  
to be check out. What you need to know about the IPAD:

-It will circulate for Sara Rafferty's Class.
-It will have a 3 hour loan period.
-It will be kept in the wooden cabinet on the right side of the  
Infobar (where the toner and drum cartridges used to be), which is too  
be locked at all times!
-The key to lock the headphone cabinet is in the locked key box on  
green coil key ring.

The toners and drum cartridges are now to right side of the wooden  
cabinet, where the paper used to be.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Courtney Crosby
Johnson Library
Hampshire College
ILL Assistant/Evening Supervisor
cacLO at hampshire.edu

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