Suzanne Karanikis skaranikis at hampshire.edu
Fri Oct 25 08:49:27 EDT 2013

Hello All,

Starting on Sunday and running through November 14 College Advancement  
will be using the IT training room on the 3rd floor to conduct the  
college phonathon.  They will be using the room from 4:30pm - 10:00pm.  
  Either an Advancement staff person or one of their student workers  
will check out the key, which is #112 in the box.  As of this writing  
I do not have a list of the students who are working the phonathon so  
none of these students will have key notes in their records yet.  I  
will put a block on the Keys tab of libguide noting the key number for  
the phonathon as a reminder.

Thank you and please ask if you have any questions about this email.

Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Supervisor
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
ph:  413-559-5762
fax: 413-559-5419

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