[Circulation] Reference Computers Not Opening PDFs

Suzanne Karanikis skaranikis at hampshire.edu
Wed Feb 27 11:07:14 EST 2013

Hello All,

In the past week there have been some reports of students not being  
able to open PDFs from Moodle.  The suggestion from IT is to have the  
patron download such PDFs to the desktop or documents folder instead  
of printing straight from the browser.  If you think of it, can you  
send me the following information when it happens:  the  
professor/class and the title of the document, which computer, and if  
it was on the Mac or PC side.  This will help IT diagnose the problem.

Thank you,

Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Supervisor
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
ph:  413-559-5762
fax: 413-559-5419

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