[Circulation] Summer Employment at the Library

Suzanne Karanikis skaranikis at hampshire.edu
Wed Apr 1 11:10:32 EDT 2009

Hello All,

I am looking for students interested in working here at the Library this summer.
   Hours are M-F, 8:30am - 4:30pm, at minimum wage ($8/hr).  Employment runs
Monday, 5/18 through Labor Day, Monday, 9/7.  We will hire 2 students this
summer.  What is there to do in the summer?  First we shelve all the returns,
then shelf-read the entire collection to make sure everything is in order. 
This summer we will also shift large portions of the collection.  Joan, our
serials coordinator, has been sending many bound periodicals to the 5 college
depository, freeing up lots of space that we can use to spread out the really
tight areas of the stacks.  On a daily basis the people in these positions
would be in charge of the newspapers and pulling and processing the books that
are sent to the other colleges.  The students in these positions also have the
opportunity to work in technical services with Jane and with other library
staff members as projects emerge.  Please let me know in the next week or so if
you would like to be considered for one of these positions, and contact me if
you have any questions about the job.

Thank you,

Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Supervisor
Harold F. Johnson Library Center
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
ph: 413-559-5762
fax: 413-559-5419

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