[Circulation] October break and other reminders

Suzanne Karanikis smkLO at hampshire.edu
Fri Oct 7 14:59:42 EDT 2005

Hi Everyone,

This is a general reminder that you are expected to work your regular hours
through October break.  Many of you have subs, so I hope none of you forgot
to plan ahead.  Weekend 2 students are on, plus you are expected to work
your regular Monday and Tuesday classes even though there are no classes.

Please remove all bookmarks, scraps of paper, and hold slips before putting
returns onto the reshelving carts or 5-college return shelves.  Be
especially vigilant with books returned with the hold slips still in them ­
we don¹t want those books to mistakenly go back on the hold shelf.

A word about our new office machinery.  The new copiers¹ default message is
³insert key copy counter.²  This clears to ³ready² once the patron puts in
money or a copy card.  The default for the microprinter is ³L1².  I point
this out because patrons may not realize these are the defaults and they may
ask you what these mean.

Enjoy your break.  I will be off on Monday, so contact Susan or Chris if you
need to talk to a supervisor.

Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Supervisor
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: 413-559-5762
Fax: 413-559-5419

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