[Circulation] instant reserves, kael books, october break

Suzanne Karanikis skaranikis at hampshire.edu
Mon Oct 4 16:18:52 EDT 2004

Hi Everyone,

Here are some reminders:

1.  Kael collection returns should go on the wooden card outside the 
circulation office, not on the regular reshelving carts and not on 
the hold/return shelves.

2.  Instant reserve folders may at times be empty.  Some professors 
use the instant reserves (folder numbers 700+) to give out 
information to their students.  In some cases, a professor might 
bring in 6 copies of an article and expect the 6 students in their 
class to each take one.  Instant reserve folders are not governed by 
the library, so we never know what will or will not be in them at any 
given time.

3.  From the posts to this list, it seems as though all of you are 
aware that the library will be open regular hours during October 
break, and you will all be expected to work your regularly scheduled 
shifts during that time.  If you did not realize this and you planned 
to go away, please start asking for subs now.  Students who do not 
arrange for subs and do not come to work during October break will 
receive warnings.

4.  The library's book and record sale is under way.  There are 
instructions taped to the circulation desk next to the record bin. 
Please do not allow students to take records to the audio carrels to 
preview them, one student actually asked to do this!

Please contact me if you have any questions about anything in this e-mail.


Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Specialist
Harold F. Johnson Library Center
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
phone 413-559-5762
fax 413-559-5419

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