[Circulation] various reminders

Suzanne Karanikis skaranikis at hampshire.edu
Wed Dec 1 09:42:03 EST 2004

Hello Everyone,

1.  Reserves
Please give patrons only 1 reserve at a time (unless the patron is 
going to photocopy).  At no time should any patron be getting more 
than one video or DVD at a time.  Also, please put returned billed 
reserve items back on the shelf, do not leave them for me.  We want 
patrons to have access to them as much as possible.

2.  Jan Term and Spring
I will be posting a checklist that will ask you if you will be 
available to work during January and Spring terms.  Please be sure to 
fill it in, even if at this point your answer is maybe.

3.  Phone Solicitation
The following was copied from an e-mail to staff from Nancy Dobosz, 
the college's purchasing agent:

  "Dear Folks,

Many departments are receiving calls from outside sources inquiring about
the printers and copiers being used by them within their department.  They
ask for such things as the machines serial number, types of toners used
..........questions of that nature.

Do not give out any information and simply hang up.  Our valid vendors will
not solicit you.

Be careful, they can be very convincing and will send you their products at
ridiculously high prices, mostly without your approval."

If you take such a call, please do as Nancy says, do not give out any 
information and hang up.

4. Last Day of Work
The last required day of work is Wednesday, December 15.  You will be 
working your regular shifts through midnight (or finding subs to work 
them).  Please plan accordingly as you make your travel plans.

The library will be open until 10pm on Thursday, Dec. 16.  Work is 
optional, but it would be extremely helpful if someone could work 
some hours during that evening (particularly 7 - 8 to cover Chris' 
dinner).  I will be posting a temporary schedule soon.

Please contact me if you have any questions about anything contained 
in this e-mail.


Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Specialist
Harold F. Johnson Library Center
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
phone 413-559-5762
fax 413-559-5419
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