[Circulation] tuesdays

Myles O'Brien mwo02 at hampshire.edu
Tue Sep 16 23:42:05 EDT 2003

beautiful circ workers! hello!

if you are interested, i need to permanently swap a shift with someone to 
account for the jazz seminar i just got into. here are the specs:

tuesdays :: 5.30-9.30pm

if anyone else has this shift on a different day, maybe monday or wednesday, 
that could work very smoothly, but if not- we can arrange something. i don't 
technically have class until 6.30, so if you want to swap for 3-hours i can do 
that instead, but we might as well make it four. 

tuesdays :: 5.30-9.30pm

your best friend, 


mwo02 at hampshire.edu

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