[ASL] ASL Lunch, save the date, and signership

Amy Hambidge aah09 at hampshire.edu
Thu Mar 29 08:53:24 EDT 2012

Hi all!

I hope the first week back from break has been treating you well!
Here's the news

1.  ASL Lunch tomorrow, 12-1pm, Saga (Dining Commons)!  Swipe or sign in at the
front desk, look for the group in the back room!

2.  Save the date!  April 9th, a Monday, 7-9pm
ASL Movie night!!!  East Lecture Hall in Franklin Patterson Hall.  I'll remind
you again, don't worry!

3. Don't forget Smith ASL Club, Monday evening 6-7pm, Chase-Duckett!

4. ***The ASL Collective will need to train new signers (heads/organizers of the
group) for next year.  It really is not hard, and we can help you learn the ins
and outs of making sure ASL Lunch happens.  You can get credit for this, FYI! 
Shoot us an email if you are interested!!! ***

See you soon!
Amy, Elisabeth, Jessie

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