[ASL] FW: ASL votes and a Deaf Survivor

Kaitlyn Millen kmillen at hampshire.edu
Wed Jan 4 13:31:18 EST 2006

A cool note on the Deaf "Survivor" member mentioned below is that I met her
this past summer since she used to have my job position. I was working as
the Ropes Course Coordinator at an adventure camp for deaf kids in Colorado.
Now, Christy is on the board of directors for the camp and she was recently
working on a TV show called "Christy's Kids" which features Deaf and hearing
kids. You can learn more about her show at: www.christyskids.tv/  Anyway,
enjoy Jan. term!

Kaitlyn :-)



From: lorraine James [mailto:ljames at library.umass.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:29 AM
To: Lorraine James
Subject: ASL votes and a Deaf Survivor


Hi everyone,

First, thanks for the early responses to ASL group ideas (sorry I don't have
time to write to each of you).  It helps to tell me things like "I can go to
Northampton but Holyoke would be best for me".   There's some interest in
Springfield so maybe we can get groups going in Springfield and Northampton
(any more Greenfield people out there?).  Some people are saying that 5:00
or 7:00 is best on different nights but if you don't say a time I assume any
time is ok.


Second, the best way to get to ASL information on Jason's web site is at
www.jasonwoof.org/asl  (I forgot the asl part the last time I sent it).


Third, the Outdoor Life Network (OLN) will be showing repeats of the reality
TV show "Survivor: Amazon", starting on Wednesday, January 4 (tonight!).
The first three episodes are being shown starting from 7:00 to 10:30.  The
schedule is confusing so you can check the OLN web site at www.olntv.com
<http://www.olntv.com/>    A deaf woman named Christy Smith is one of the
players.  If you missed it the first time, this is your chance to see
Christy battle hunger, jungle living, and a group of clueless hearing


Have fun!


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