[Animeclub] Manga Library?

Tristan Athearn-Hess eltristo at me.com
Tue Nov 8 13:26:59 EST 2016

Hello AsianMedia-kōhais! Original Signer-Senpai here! First, let me just say how proud I am with how you wonderful people have grown our club! 

About two years ago, I donated a bunch of manga to start a manga-lending-library for the club. This weekend I'll be back up at Hampshire for Deathfest and, if you're still doing that, can bring another batch of manga to add to the library! Either way I look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Tristan Athearn-Hess
Class of '08
Asianmedia mailing list
Asianmedia at lists.hampshire.edu

Sent from my iPhone

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