[Animeclub] No Meeting Tomorrow!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Thu Mar 10 18:30:00 EST 2016


Hey everybody! 

Since it's almost Spring Break and many of us will be gone, we won't be
holding a meeting tomorrow. We also will not be meeting on Friday the
25th, as that is when Anime Boston happens. It'll be a long month
without you guys, and we'll miss you dearly. :c 

As for rooming situations, we realize that we won't have time to decide
on rooms in person -- if you are going to the con, please have ONE
person from your desired rooming group email us the list of people you'd
like to room with. If you DO NOT yet have a group, please email us
individually, and we will place you accordingly where there is space; if
there are any personal conflicts you would like to avoid in rooming,
please let us know in the email so we can make you most comfortable. 

Have a wonderful break, and get some rest! 

- Gabriella, Lisette, and Meghan 

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