[Animeclub] GlowLime Games Interest Meeting

Chandra Hughes chh13 at hampshire.edu
Mon Nov 30 21:12:06 EST 2015

Hello Everyone,

	I’d like to (re)introduce you to a game development startup serving the Five Colleges. GlowLime Games is beginning a cycle of games developed by small student teams this January/Spring. If you have any interest in getting involved or care to pitch a game, we welcome you to attend: FPH 108, 4:00pm, Saturday December 5th. Food will be provided. 


Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1081371375226572/
Proposal: tinyurl.com/glowlimebusinessproposal 
Slide Deck: tinyurl.com/glowlimeslidedeck 

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