[Animeclub] Pictures for our Hampedia Page!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Sun Nov 8 18:29:33 EST 2015


Hey Guys, 

Now that AAC has come and passed, we were wondering if anybody has
pictures to add to our club's Hampedia page! Our current gallery is
pretty small, and we need more photos of club members having fun or
looking cool or both. Caroline was kind enough to offer her photography
skills for the task, and if you want to check out her page, please do!
She does some great work.
https://www.facebook.com/photographybycarolinebelge [1] 

So, if you have pictures of your own on your phone or wherever else,
please email them to a signer! You can even reply to this email if you
have one right away. 


- Gabriella ❤ 

[1] https://www.facebook.com/photographybycarolinebelge

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