[Animeclub] Katsucon 2016?

Jesenia Cruz jesmc13 at hampshire.edu
Sat Jun 27 19:09:35 EDT 2015


Hello Anime Club, 

Jesse here asking if anyone is interested in attending Katsucon 2016. 

I and a few other anime club attendees were planning on booking a room
at the Gaylord National Hotel (convention hotel) and thought it'd be
good to email everyone in the club to see if there were others also
planning on attending so we can all go together. Four of us are
currently going and we can probably fit a fifth person. If you pre-reg
before June 30th, it's $50 and with five people the room will be a
little less than $100 each for the two nights we'll be there. We'll be
driving down at the crack of dawn on Friday and returning Sunday
evening. Let me know if you're interested. 


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