[Animeclub] CAH Online!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Wed Feb 4 16:43:42 EST 2015


Hey Guys, 

So! This is just an experimental thing that might be fun to try out! 

In past years, our signers brought in a big box of Cards Against
Humanity to play some nights after club meetings, going late into the
evening. Keeping this tradition in mind, we thought it might be fun to
give online games a go every so often, just for fun! 

If you haven't played before, this game is really, really awful. It's
like Apples to Apples, but for very evil people. You'll see what I mean.
So if you don't have class right now and are bored out of your mind
refreshing your email, here's the link to a game I made just now:
http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=197 [1] 

The password is memehugger69. 

Feel free to hop in! There's room for eight players (and ten spectators
too). Again, this is just to see how things go, and we can have games
made and sent out over the mailing list every so often if people are

Also, don't forget to vote in tonight's lineup poll!! It closes at
midnight! Here's the link again, if you didn't see it:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R2H3ZFS [2] 

Seeya later, or in the game! 

- ☆ ♪ Gabriella ♪ ☆ 

[1] http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=197
[2] https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/R2H3ZFS

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